Adults and Myopia Management

Adults and Myopia Management

Adults and Myopia Management

It is not uncommon for adults to experience declining far-distance vision. Some experience an increase in nearsightedness even past their mid to late 20s. That is despite experts telling them their eyesight would stabilize after age 18. In some instances, individuals may even experience “adult-onset” myopia. Their vision only begins to deteriorate in adulthood after having possessed perfect vision.

Why is Your Eyesight Worsening?


As adults age, their vision often deteriorates due to the intense strain on their eyes. That is usually due to prolonged near-work activities. That includes writing, reading, or using digital devices. That is a stark contrast to myopia in kids, caused by the physical growth of the eye.

It is no secret that the average adult spends a significant amount of time each day gazing at screens. Most perform close-up tasks that strain the eyes. So, many experience a decline in their far-distance vision even into their mid to late 20s.

Myopia Progression in Adults


A recent study reveals that a significant portion of adults, over 20%, suffer from advancing nearsightedness. Despite most adults with myopia having stabilized vision by their late teens, some face yearly decline.

Myopia progression entails a continuous decline in distance vision. It is becoming a concern for eye healthcare professionals. They associate this problem with a heightened risk of severe eye conditions. These include cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and myopic macular degeneration.

Myopia Management in Adults


Myopia control is an individualized approach to combating nearsightedness and its progression. That is achievable using various techniques. These include multifocal glasses or contacts, atropine eye drops, or orthokeratology lenses. These methods can be very effective in reducing the progression of myopia. Studies suggest a reduction rate of up to 78%.

Are These Treatments Effective?


Starting a myopia management program early on is ideal. It can increase its effectiveness. Yet, it is never too late to seek help. Did your nearsightedness progress in adulthood? If so, you could still manage it with a combination of treatments and a decrease in near-vision activities. Research shows that these strategies can lead to positive results.

Which Management Strategies are Most Effective for Adults?


Controlling adult myopia progression is easier with the help of innovative solutions. These include multifocal eyeglasses or contact lenses and orthokeratology. These methods allow individuals to combat the strain placed on their eyes during near-vision activities and screen time.

Do you like to wear eyeglasses or contacts during the day? If so, multifocal lenses could be an excellent option. They can help balance clear distance vision and a comfortable transition for near vision.

On the other hand, ortho-k lenses cater to those who prefer a lens-free experience. These specialized contacts work by reshaping the cornea while sleeping, providing clear eyesight for the entire day.

The onset of myopia progression does not have to be the end of clear vision. Consulting an eye care professional about myopia management options could help curb its progression and reduce the risk of eye diseases associated with the condition. It would be best if you did not wait until it is too late to take action toward maintaining your vision health.

For more on myopia, visit Grand Eye Care at our River Grove, Illinois, office. Call (708) 816-2020 to schedule an appointment today.

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