Misight Contact Lens Therapy

Misight Contact Lens Therapy

Misight Contact Lens Therapy

We are excited to announce the addition of the MiSight 1-Day contact lens, the first and only soft contact lens that is FDA-approved to slow the progression of myopia in children, to our comprehensive myopia management options at Grand Eye Care.

What Is Myopia?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when the eye struggles to focus light on the retina, causing distant objects to appear blurry while nearby images stay clear. While mild myopia can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery, higher levels increase the risk of serious eye conditions like myopic macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal issues. MiSight Contact Lens Therapy is designed to slow the progression of myopia, reducing the likelihood of developing these vision-threatening disorders over time.

How Is The Misight Contact Lens Different From Other Contact Lenses?

MiSight contact lenses for myopia control differ from regular soft contact lenses in their design and purpose. While regular soft contact lenses correct vision by focusing light directly onto the retina, MiSight lenses are specifically designed to *slow the progression of myopia* in children.

The key differences include:

1. Dual-Focus Design: MiSight lenses have a unique dual-focus design with concentric rings. These rings create two focal zones: one for clear distance vision and another that defocuses light in a way that signals the eye to slow its elongation, which is the primary cause of myopia progression.

2. Myopia Control: While regular soft lenses correct refractive errors, MiSight lenses actively help manage myopia by addressing the eye's growth, potentially reducing the risk of future eye health issues associated with high myopia, such as retinal detachment and glaucoma.

3. Usage for Younger Patients: MiSight is specifically designed for children, typically aged 8 to 12, and is approved for daily wear to not only correct their vision but also to manage and slow the advancement of their myopia.

In contrast, regular soft contact lenses are simply corrective and do not offer this myopia management benefit.

Does The MiSight 1-Day Contact Lens Work?

The Misight 1-day contact lens has been clinically studied and proven to effectively slow the progression of myopia by 59% and slow the rate at which the eye becomes longer by 52% when compared to children wearing a regular, single vision 1-day contact lens.

Should I Consider MiSight Contact Lens Therapy For My Child?

If you have concerns that your child is developing myopia, or is becoming more myopic each year, then call our office to schedule a consultation with our doctors at Grand Eye Care to see if your child qualifies for MiSight Contact Lens Therapy.

Schedule Consultation
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