Slow or Even Stop the Progression of Myopia

Slow or Even Stop the Progression of Myopia

Slow or Even Stop the Progression of Myopia

Myopia is the clinical term for the condition better known as nearsightedness. It is a refractive error of the eyes that makes it difficult for the patient to see distant objects. Usually, objects start becoming blurry the further they move from your eyes.

Myopia often onsets in early childhood, usually before 10. It is a progressive condition, meaning after it manifests, it gets worse over time. Myopia predisposes children who have it to more severe eye conditions later in life. But by using myopia management strategies, doctors can slow it down or even stop its progression.

What is Myopia Management?

It refers to the different strategies that eye doctors use to slow down and even stop myopia progression. It is usually used for children who have just been diagnosed with myopia. Untreated myopia can progress to high myopia, which is very dangerous. Sometimes, myopia may progress in early childhood, but that is in rare cases. But despite all the strategies available, stopping myopia has not been achieved thus far.

How Do You Slow Down Myopia Progression?

Comprehensive Eye Exam
The first step in slowing down myopia progression is getting your child a comprehensive eye exam. The exam will help the eye doctor know how far myopia has developed. It will help them determine how fast it is progressing. With this information, the doctor will create a treatment plan that will work for your child. They will know what prescription is necessary for your child to see better.

After the eye exam, several treatment options are available for slowing down myopia. These are:

Multifocal Contact Lenses
Eye doctors usually prescribe multifocal contacts to children between six and 12 years old. The lenses help slow down the progression of myopia. The design of the contacts allows different powers on the same lens. The middle area of the lens helps your child see distant objects, while the outer areas defocus the peripheral vision. Defocusing the peripheral is the primary way they control myopia. 

Atropine Eye Drops
Another way that eye doctors use to slow down myopia progression in children is using atropine eye drops. The drops usually work for children between five and 18 years old. The child needs to use the drops continuously for two to three years to work effectively. Your child should apply the drops every night before they sleep. 

Orthokeratology Lenses 
These lenses, ortho-k for short, are unique contact lenses worn at night. Your child will put on the lenses before they sleep, and the lens reshapes the ocular surface while they sleep. When your child wakes up, they will have near-perfect vision throughout the day.

For this treatment to work, your child needs to use the lenses consistently for a while. If your child is not consistently using the lenses, their eyes will revert, and myopia will continue getting worse.

For more on slowing the progression of myopia, visit Grand Eye Care at our office in River Grove, Illinois. Call (708) 583-1100​​​​​​​ to book an appointment today.

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