Understanding the Causes and Development of Myopia

Understanding the Causes and Development of Myopia

Understanding the Causes and Development of Myopia

Myopia or nearsightedness affects millions of people worldwide. It develops when the eyeball is very long or if the cornea is too curved. This causes light to focus in front of your retina instead of on it. It leaves you with blurry vision when looking at distant objects, while close ones appear clear.

Prescription glasses and contact lenses help correct myopia. Understanding the causes and development of this condition is vital. It will help you prevent its progression and potential complications.




Genetics can contribute to the development of myopia. A child is more likely to develop the refractive error if one or both of their parents have it. Those with two myopic parents have a higher chance of developing the condition.

Genetics plays a significant role in determining eye shape and cornea thickness. These two factors affect the development of myopia. However, genetics alone does not guarantee the growth of nearsightedness.


Environmental Factors


One’s lifestyle can contribute to the development of nearsightedness. For example, studies show that children who opt for more time indoors instead of outdoors have a higher risk of developing the condition.

Additionally, spending long hours reading can increase the chances of myopia development. Reading or close-up activities can cause the eye to elongate, leading to nearsightedness.




Myopia typically develops in childhood and adolescence, with its onset occurring at ages six to 14. During this time, the eye is still developing, and any changes in length or shape can lead to nearsightedness.

However, myopia can also develop in adulthood, particularly in people over 40. It is commonly known as degenerative or age-related myopia, often resulting from changes in the structure of the eye.




Prolonged near work, like reading or extensive computer use, has a link to the increased risk of developing myopia. Continuous or extended use of digital devices like smartphones and computers can cause eyestrain. Eyestrain, in turn, can cause difficulty focusing on distant objects and may lead to nearsightedness.

When the eyes become tired or strained, they may experience accommodative spasms. These involuntary contractions of the eye muscles cause the lenses to thicken and curve more. It causes light to focus in front of the retina instead of on it, causing blurred vision and myopic symptoms.




Diabetes is a metabolic disorder affecting the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. It can contribute to myopia. It does so by causing changes in the structure and function of the blood vessels in the eyes.

Diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy by damaging the blood vessels. It can cause swelling and fluid buildup in the retina, eventually affecting your vision. It can do so by causing changes in the shape of the eye.

These changes can lead to myopia or make existing myopia worse. To help you deal with them, experts advise regulating your blood sugar levels to reduce your chances of developing myopia.

For more about myopia, visit Grand Eye Care at our office in River Grove, Illinois. Call (708) 816-2020 to book an appointment today.

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