What Causes Myopia to Develop?

What Causes Myopia to Develop?

What Causes Myopia to Develop?

Have you ever wondered why things seem blurry to you from a distance but clear up when you get closer? If this keeps happening, you may have myopia. Nearsightedness is another name for this condition that can affect people of any age. Since myopia is one of the most prevalent eye conditions in the world, understanding it is essential.

What is Myopia?

Myopia is a common condition of the eyes that causes close objects to appear clear while distant objects appear blurry. The eye's inability to properly refract, or bend, light results in images being focused in front of the retina rather than directly on it. This condition is known as a refractive error.

Some common symptoms to look out for include difficulty reading road signs and seeing distant objects clearly, squinting, eye strain, and headaches.

How Does Myopia Develop?

Myopia often starts in childhood and progresses gradually or rapidly, often slowing down by the late teens or early twenties. The exact mechanisms behind its development are not fully understood. Nevertheless, a combination of genetic and environmental factors appears to influence its development.

Genetics play a significant role in the development of myopia. If your parents have myopia, there's a higher chance you'll develop it too. Studies have found multiple genes associated with the condition, supporting the idea that inheritance is a significant contributing factor. However, genes alone can't explain the recent increase in myopia prevalence worldwide.

The development of myopia is also significantly influenced by environmental factors. Myopia has been associated with prolonged near work, such as writing, reading, or staring at digital screens, and little time spent outside. These results have given rise to the theory that the global rise in myopia may be caused by changes in lifestyle brought on by urbanization and increased academic pressure.

Why It is Crucial to Manage Myopia

Untreated myopia can lead to a range of complications. High myopia, in particular, can increase your risk of other eye conditions, such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. These conditions can cause vision loss if not treated promptly.

Managing myopia can also significantly improve your quality of life. Efficient management of myopia can enhance your vision, reducing reliance on corrective lenses and preventing the progression to high myopia.

Eye care professionals can provide a range of treatments to slow the progression of myopia in children, including special contact lenses, atropine eye drops, and lifestyle modifications.


Gaining knowledge about myopia, its causes, and how to manage it can help you avoid complications and live a better quality of life. It is possible to effectively manage myopia and preserve eye health with expert assistance.

Make an appointment for an eye examination with our optometrist right now if you think you or your child may have myopia. Reach out to Grand Eye Care at our River Grove, Illinois office. To identify the existence and severity of myopia and suggest the best course of action, we will perform a thorough eye examination. Please give (708) 816-2020 a call to schedule a meeting right now.

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